
His father left his mum when he was very young, with five children. At the tender age of 6 years, he started making money. When he was 7, he was carrying business cards reading ‘’21st Century CEO’’. At the age of 8, Farrah became co-founder of Urban Neighbourhood Enterprise Economic Club (UNEEC).

Between the ages of 12 to 16, Farrah founded and operated business ventures including KIDZTEL prepaid phone cards and the one stop mail boxes& more franchise. At age 13, Gray founded Farr-out foods, a speciality food located in New York, which he later sold for $1.5 million. At the age of 28, he speaks to about 1.5 million people per year, and he receives about $10,000 per appearance. Farrah Gray is the youngest African-American to rise from public assistance to business mogul without being in sports, entertainment, or having a family connection. Farrah Gray is an America ‘rags to riches’ story of success, perseverance and hard work.

The story of Farrah Gray makes me think a lot, and most times I actually ask myself if he is human because I find it hard to understand how a 6 years old boy could think of how to start making money? He was from a poor and bad background, but he never let that change a single fact about him. Instead he saw beyond his poor background, and he was wise enough to utilize the opportunities around him.

 In his book REALLIONAIRE, he said that

‘’ I have always believed and put into action my faith, that we carve out our own statue. We write the lyrics of our own song, and we paint our own picture based on our innate talent. We are our own Picassos, painting our lives, stroke by stroke, decision by decision. And i can’t say it enough; never underestimate the power of your reputation…. And never forget that someone is always watching you’’.

 His story has been a source of inspiration to my life, and it has made me see life in a better dimension. He believed in himself, and he believed in working with people, developing people, and also imparting people.

In his book, he said that

‘’ success isn’t something that happens overnight: it’s a process. You have to nurture it along with continuous care, and the best way to do it is to have the best set of people working with you – not for you, but with you. I can dream alone, and strive alone, but true success requires the help of others’’.

  Are you there, wishing your dad was BILL Gates or Carlos Helu Slim, and you using all your precious time to regret, I hope you learn from this story?

I hope this story makes you think your way forward. I am not asking you to compare yourself with anybody, all I am saying is YOU could use his story to think your way through to success. God bless you.

Seun Emmanuel Alaofin.

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